Blwyddyn 1

Croeso i Blwyddyn 1 – Turtles!

Summer Term 2024

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and feel rested and relaxed. I am very much looking forward to the new term, and wanted to update you with some information about what your child will be learning in their last term in Year 1.

This term, our class teaching assistant will be Mrs Emma Edwards, who will support the children with their work. We also have a PGCE student teacher Matilda Riseborough, who will be teaching and learning in class with us until mid-June.

Our summer term topic is ‘Weather Forecast’. For the first half term this will be a focus on the continent of Africa. In literacy, we will read the book ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ – a tale about a Kenyan village that is experiencing a dry spell and the little girl who makes it rain by whispering to the sky. In maths, we will focus mass and capacity, counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, simple dividing by grouping and the fractions of ½ and ¼. For humanities, we will learn about continents of the world and how life in Kenya compares to Wales. In science, we will look at living and non-living things, habitats and what animals need to survive. The children have been a part of the planning for our new topic and they have input their ideas of what they would like to learn about.

Here is the summer term topic overview: Y1 Summer 2024 Weather Forecast


Reading is very important at this age and I ask that you support your child in their reading by regularly listening to them read, and also by reading to them at home. Please continue to send the reading book and record into school on the designated day with your child so I can listen to them read and update their books. If you do forget to send the book to school, please send it the following day.


P.E will continue to be on a Wednesday (starting Wednesday 10th April) and will be gymnastics skills for this half term. Please send your child into school dressed in their P.E kit every Wednesday.  Please ensure your child has a jumper or zip up jacket, trousers / shorts and trainers. Please label all PE kit with your child’s name.


At Hendrefoilan, we are so lucky to have our wonderful forest area- Coed Cadno. We try and utilise the area as much as we possibly can.

Outdoor learning will continue to be on a Monday (starting Monday 15th April). If you have not done so already, please provide your child with a waterproof coat /all in one, and wellies. These can be sent into school in a bag and can remain in school. Please ensure that any items of clothing / shoes are labelled with your child’s name.


I believe that children should have access to water and if you wish, you can provide your child with a labelled bottle that they can use throughout the day. Children may also bring a healthy snack in a small container that they can enjoy at morning break. The snack will be kept in the pupil’s bags until break time. Please label any snack boxes with your child’s name. Our cloakroom is limited on space, so please put the snack and water bottle in your child’s main school bag, which will be kept on their peg with their coat. If your child has a packed lunch, this can be brought in a separate lunch bag, which will then go onto a trolley.


Thursday 18th April 2024 – Class visit to Folly Farm. Consent forms have been sent home, but if you need a new form, please let me know. 

Friday 26th April 2024 – BSL Deaf awareness session (at school). 

Monday 6th MayNO SCHOOL – May Day bank holiday

Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May – Half Term break 

Monday 3rd June – Children return to school

If you have any worries, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Kind regards,

Mrs Debbie Tidy