Turtles – Y1/2

Croeso i Blwyddyn  1 / 2 – Turtles Mrs Tidy

Autumn Term 2024

I hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday. I am very much looking forward to the year ahead, and wanted to provide you with some information for the autumn term. I am fortunate to have Miss Jojo as the class assistant for this year, who will help to support the pupils.

Our autumn term topic is ‘Supeheroes’. In Literacy, we will start with a focus on the book ‘A Superpower like mine’– an empowering story about seeing the best in others and yourself. We will then move onto the book ‘Superworm’. In Maths, we will focus on place value, addition and subtraction. For Humanities, we will learn about real life heroes and heroes of the past. In Science, we will look at what plants need to survive and the life cycle of plants. We will also learn about the artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein and the pop art that they created. The children have been part of the planning for our new topic and they have told us what they would like to learn linked to these topics.

Here is the autumn term topic overview: Y1Y2 Autumn Term 2024 Superheroes


Reading is very important at this age and we ask that you support your child in their reading by regularly listening to them read, and also by reading to them at home. We will be following a new reading scheme throughout the school and over the next few weeks your child will come home with a reading book and reading record. I will regularly listen to the children read in school and your child’s book will be changed weekly. I will notify you of the day you should send your child’s book and reading record into school, in order for me to change their books. This will be on the front of your child’s reading record book. If you do forget to send the book to school, please send it the following day.


P.E will be on a Tuesday (starting Tuesday 10th Sept) and will be throwing and catching skills for this half term. Please send your child into school dressed in their P.E kit every Tuesday. As we are hoping to be outdoors, please ensure your child has a jumper or zip up jacket, trousers and trainers. Please label all PE kit with your child’s name.


At Hendrefoilan, we are so lucky to have our wonderful forest area- Coed Cadno. We try and utilise the area as much as we possibly can.

Outdoor learning will be on a Monday (starting Monday 9th September). Please ensure your child has an appropriate coat /all in one puddle suit and wellies if necessary, for this day. Our cloakroom is limited on space, so I will not be keeping any outdoor learning clothes in school this year.


I believe that children should have access to water and if you wish, you can provide your child with a labelled bottle that they can use throughout the day. Children may also bring a healthy snack in a small container that they can enjoy at morning break. The snack will be kept on the class trolley until break time. Please label any snack boxes with your child’s name.


Thursday 12th September – NO SCHOOL – INSET Day

Monday 16th September – Y2 ONLY – Kerbcraft session. This will continue every Monday afternoon. 

Thursday 19th September 2024 – Class visit to Plantasia. Consent forms have been sent home, but if you need a new form, please let me know. 

Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Half Term break 

Monday 4th November – Children return to school

Monday 4th November – Cake / biscuit donations to be brought into school for a sale in school. 50p an item. 

If you have any worries, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Kind regards,

Mrs Debbie Tidy